Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Is there actually going to be an Elder Scrolls 5?

I've heard lots of rumors of a new Elder Scrolls release even after about a year of Oblivion's release, Is it actually going to happen? I only just got back into the TES games really, and it got me wondering. I hope so, should be great if they get round to itIs there actually going to be an Elder Scrolls 5?
Iv been on the lookout because Im a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls, and there is no news about the next in the series. There was rumour of an Elder Scrolls MMO at one point but I think that died. They announced after they finished doing Fallout 3 that they would be working on the next in the series but they havent given any news since then. I guess they got caught up with all the DLC and stuff for Fallout.

Then again you never know. Bioshock Infinite has been in production for years and they only announced they were working on it a couple of months ago when they were ready to release a trailer. Maybe its a similar situation with Elder Scrolls 5 where its all being kept under wraps till they feel they can release information and promise things they dont end up doing and stuff like that, like most developers do when they say "We're working on _____ now, its going to have ___, ___ and ____" and then when the game comes out they havent done any of it.Is there actually going to be an Elder Scrolls 5?
Bethesda said in a public statement that they where putting Elder scrolls on the afterburner for a while and going back to work on fallout. Now that fallout has had some great success I would say they will probably do another game after fallout New Vegas.

But they did say there will be an Elder Scrolls 5, they just don't know when. So whenever fallout seems to be dieing down they will probably bring it back. . . probably expect it to come in about 2-3 years.

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